but then the below questions and considerations welled up for me while writing the post subject:
(excuse me if this might be absurd and even inappropriate, like to you David, but also coming from a newcomer here)..
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1) Do people here, on all 'sides of the issue', have thoughts or concerns about the integrity of what Everything is, was, and/or will be? [in relation to Suggestions]
2) Has anyone gone through a period where, subjectively, Everything became less useful (and why) but then kind of regained its place in your usage scenarios (how)?
3) What do you like, as is, and what are the limits, of growth and options and use scenarios, as each person sees them?
4) What multi-purpose uses does Everything provide for you? (eg duplicate cleaning, file manager, launcher, file organizer; or redefines/obviates these categories) [might be covered elsewhere in forum]
5) Is there any correlation to people's experience with other software?
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- my mind veered into how hard it might be to navigate and manage Everything's dev while maintaining or maybe relinquishing its origins, given so much wonderful interest, eager and smart input, ideas etc shared in this forum. I keep seeing this in certain software forums and it's kind of mind blowing, and that wonder must be intensely double-edged for the creators.
- Suggestions, as a discussion. as a meta-commentary on, ..the power of software suggestion and feature requests. Didn't see a place where people talked about this in a broad sense, so...could be interesting? Too broad to be useful?
- the dynamics/realities of give and take, of compromise, as a program 'blossoms'. idk, maybe it's a frivolous question. It's a topic about enduser usage scenarios too, and might branch into repercussions on Everything in the wake of forced evolutions due to evolving OS and security issues.
True Launch Bar has grown wildly, has a kind of difficult/awkaward settings GUI, and remains awesome anyway, to me.
FreeCommanderXE, well, it's a file explorer, so...but it seems amazingly stable relative to how flexible it is.
Foobar - Others will know more and better. Is it an example of stable and flexible, but also of having chosen to hold to its roots and not get crazy with options etc? [helps that there's a user addon component].
Duplicate Cleaner - For me, used to be great and now it no longer provides me with perspective and clarity when choosing what to delete or etc. Actually, maybe i just don't like the changes to the outer shell, the GUI.
(yeah, i'm not really contributing anything but vagueries to my own topic. sorry about that )