Quick reference thread for known Alternate Data Stream (Alt Stream) (ADS) names in the wild and the programs that use them. Add to this list. Only reference programs and specimens you yourself use and have encountered. Do not copypasta from elsewhere on the Internet.
:Zone.Identifier -- File was downloaded by any modern web browser and is assumed to be unsafe for execution.
:fc_verify --
FastCopy optional "[x]Add verifyInfo AltStream" option.
Code: Select all
{done=20220126-185643(0x1d8132122331050), ftime=20220115-021835(0x1d809f0df897399), size=48, sha512=81e10db57bab3c1728ed079cd5ed0a650bfd5e9a1dc1095a89eed1ef7d928018ef58c10df0fda40f2553daf8759f63d18aadb9c62e8643619368f6f2267cc68f}
7-Zip can
archive files and their ads, and extract them again intact. You have to use the uncompressed .wim (Windows Imaging) container and checkmark "[x]Store alternate data streams". You can then compress this container with .zip or .7z, for example, myarchive.wim.7z