RunWith - Initiate an Everything Search from within a Firefox browser window, by highlighting wanted text, then opening context menu, selecting RunWith.
AMO (Addons Mozilla .org) shows the extension marked as EXPERIMENTAL -
<strike>Does NOT work with SeaMonkey .</strike>
Tested with FF 5.0.
Configure: about:addons -> Extensions -> RunWith => Options ~~> C:\Locate\RUNwithEVERYTHING.bat
Code: Select all
c:\locate\everything.exe -search %1
Highlight some text on a web page. Right-click, choose RunWith.
Everything should open & search for the highlighted text.
RunWith doesn't seem to like spaces in the command line (path, in the RunWith Options dialog), hence the usage of the batch file. Presumably needs full path to script/exe. Also needs the file extension.
"Everything" does nothing
"Everything.exe" (with path) will open Everything.exe, but nothing is passed (as Everything doesn't look for passed parameters unless you use a command line option like -search).
"Everything -search" (in the RunWith Options dialog) is ineffectual (nothing happens, Everything doesn't even open).
"RUNwithEVERYTHING.bat" works.
Adjust as necessary .