Never seen that before.
Had to kill GUI, & then also the Service.
(As in killing the GUI did not affect the hungry Service.)
Of late*
Of late, heh. Of late, very infrequently (on office computer) when I'll go to Safely Remove a couple of USB (flash &/or SSD) drives, I'll get a "busy".
AFAIK, there is no "busy", as in I have nothing open... on the drives.
Though, in particular instances of Everything - those that actually Index said USB drives (& that is all they index, only said USB drives, & no other drives, & no other instances index those USB drives), if I 'Index | Pause Updates' (followed immediately by 'Index | Resume Updates), I can then Safe Remove the USB drive - every time.
Checking other avenues, manually "sync'ing"... provide no relief.
Index, Pause, Index, Resume, works.
So yesterday, I Index, Pause, (& I suppose I then also Index, Resume, as I would normally do), & for whatever reason Everything Service starting eating CPU & GUI went opaque. And at that point, I was unable to interact with either the Service (-uninstall-service) or the GUI (& had to kill both).
In all the years, I've never had issues with Safely Remove.
More recently, yes.
My USB's (well except for any HDD based in a USB adapter) have always been "flash" drives (with Kingston, my "regular"). More recently I picked up a newer (old) PNY (flash) drive, & more recently again, I got a M.2 SSD that I put into a USB adapter.
Initially, it was the SSD that I ran into troubles with (Safely Remove), never having had any issues with the Kingston. And initially, it was only on my home computer*. More recently, very, very infrequently, the Kingston also failed to Safely Remove. And now, I've seen it on both computers (but more often on home).
*Home computer.
Oh, I pretty sure is on its way out. Motherboard most likely. At least some of my M/B SATA connectors have gone bad. Or at least when multiple disks are (now) plugged in, depending on which SATA connectors are in use, a drive may or may not be there, or may be there but at some will hang the computer (out of the blue, & totally). So I'm avoiding those particular connectors, & I believe I'm good, at present.
So some of my issues (seen on home computer) may be hardware related.
Anyhow, this Service issue was not on my home, & I've never see that before.
(Which drive was it that it hung on... was going to say, not sure, don't recall, but thinking, not certain, it was on Kingston - cause SSD (S.M.A.R.T.) reports Unsafe Shutdowns, & I don't think (?) that it incremented? (Or might I have actually Safely Removed after killing GUI, Service, & then restarting both & going through the Index, Pause procedure?)
(Yeah, & I would have gotten around to bring up the Safely Remove issue, at some point, but since I ran into the Service issue...)
KKK, 60K files, 800 GB, .db is only 2 MB:
Code: Select all
Everything: (x86)
OS: Windows NT 6.1 7601 (x64)
Admin: 0
Service: 6 (connected / partially installed)
Command line: -instance KKK -no-auto-include
Binary: C:\DEV\LOCATE\KKK\Everything.exe
Profile: C:\DEV\LOCATE\KKK\Everything-KKK.ini
Database: C:\DEV\LOCATE\KKK\Everything-KKK.db
Instance: KKK
Config: match_path=1
Config: ignore_punctuation=1
Config: shell_execute_short_parameters=1
Config: show_mouseover=0
Config: dupe_group_colors=1
Config: highlight_max_or_paths=256
Config: zoom=134
Config: auto_include_fixed_volumes=0
Config: auto_remove_offline_ntfs_volumes=0
Config: auto_move_ntfs_volumes=0
Config: auto_move_refs_volumes=0
Config: auto_move_fat_volumes=0
Config: find_first_file_path_not_found_retry_timeout=30000
Config: icon_blend_hidden=1
Config: thumbnail_medium_text_lines=3
Config: thumbnail_large_text_lines=2
Config: filelist_context_menu=0
Config: open_many_files_warning_threshold=9
Config: set_foreground_window_attach_thread_input=0
Config: home_sort=1
Config: snap_toggle_on_shift=1
Config: rename_overwrite=1
Config: allow_literal_operators=1
Config: convert_forward_slash_to_backslash=1
Config: operator_precedence=1
Config: size_format=1
Config: size_number_format=4
Config: ellipsis=0
Config: jump_to_timeout=99999
Config: folder_rescan_timeout=60000
Config: find_and_select_clear_selection=0
Config: find_and_select_select_folders=0
Config: find_and_select_select_files=0
Config: context_menu_parent_folder=1
Config: custom_open_command01=$exec("C:\WLIB\PLAYERS\\mpvnet.exe" %*)
Config: custom_open_command02=$exec("C:\BIN\chk.4.EVERYTHING.exe" %*)
Config: filter=EVERYTHING
Config: preview_icon=1
Config: treeview_everything_expand_button=1
Config: findbar_highlight_all=0
Config: search_for_text_when_you_start_typing=1
Config: search_history_always_suggest=1
Config: columns=[{"name":"Name","width":315},{"name":"Path","width":148},{"name":"Size","width":84},{"name":"Length","width":54},{"name":"Extension","width":36},{"name":"Date Modified","width":112}]
Config: ntfs_volumes=[{...
Config: properties=[{"name":"Length","include_only_files":"*.3gp;*.asf;*.asx;*.avi;*.divx;*.f4v;*.flv;*.m2t;*.m2ts;*.m2v;*.m4v;*.mkv;*.mp4;*.mpe;*.mpeg;*.mpg;*.mov;*.mts;*.ogm;*.ogv;*.qt;*.ram;*.rm;*.rmvb;*.smil;*.swf;*.ts;*.vob;*.vp6;*.webm;*.wmv;*.h264;*.srt;*.part","fast_sort":1}]