When did the indexer last run for a given network share?
Did the indexer complete?
Showing this information in the Folders settings is on my TODO list.
This will also be available in a Statistics window for the next major version.
How long did the indexer take to run?
I've added this information to the Statistics window for the next major version.
Thanks for the suggestions.
Currently, Everything will will show the current rescan progress in Tools -> Options -> Folders.
The folder currently rescanning will show [rescanning] to the right of the path.
If no folders are showing [rescanning] you can assume that there are no pending rescans or missed scheduled rescans and that Everything is up-to-date.
If Everything misses a scheduled rescan (eg: if your computer was off at 3am) these scheduled rescans will perform the next time you run Everything (or if the PC was put to sleep, the rescan will occur after 1 minute of waking up).
Also see: