Everything with Zabkat Xplorer2

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Everything with Zabkat Xplorer2

Post by towlerg »

Trying to get open path working with Xplorer2, it's something like

$exec("c:\Program Files $(x86$)\zabkat\xplorer2_lite\xplorer2_lite.exe" "/M" "%Parent")

I think, anyone out there got it working?
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Re: Everything with Zabkat Xplorer2

Post by NotNull »

Below you can find the Xplorer2 command line arguments.
Using that information, your Open Path command should be:

Code: Select all

$exec("c:\Program Files $(x86$)\zabkat\xplorer2_lite\xplorer2_lite.exe" "$parent(%1)")


Optional command line arguments (from https://www.zabkat.com/x2h_7.htm )

When executed from the command line xplorer² accepts a number of optional arguments that control some aspects of the program. The complete command line is:

xplorer2.exe /F:n /P /R:rootFolder /S:registryKey /L:searchFromFolder /I:settings.REG /M /1 /2 leftFolder rightFolder

All arguments are optional and are described in the following table. The last two arguments - without the / switch character - specify starting left & right pane folders for the main window. These can also be the names of folder groups saved in Customize menu if you want to reinstate a particular set of tabs upon startup.

If you start with a scrap container (/F:1 switch) leftFolder can be a cida file or a name of a folder to flatten.

Switch Function
/F Starting window type. By default a normal browser window is opened, equivalent to /F:0. If you want to start with a scrap window use /F:1
/P By default xplorer² runs in a system resource-friendly single process mode, even when you launch separate instances. Using /P you force new instances to open as separate processes.
/R Roots the program on a folder other than the default desktop. For instance /R:c:\winnt will force both the tree and view panes on c:\winnt and won't allow users to reach other parts of the namespace unless underneath the root node; e.g. d:\ will be off-limits whereas c:\winnt\system will be accessible
/S Registry key extension for storing program options. The default key is HKCU\Software\ZabaraKatranemia Plc\xplorer2 but you can have multiple parallel keys with different options. Keys can be changed dynamically with Window | Save layout menu. For instance /S:preview will load options from the key ...\ZabaraKatranemia Plc\xplorer2.preview
/L Causes a scrap window to issue a "Find Files" command when it first comes up; alternatively it could be a saved search .X2FND file. The search is rooted at "searchFromFolder". Can only be used in conjunction with /F:1
/M Does not allow window to open in minimized mode on startup
/N Do not restore slow folders from last session (e.g. network) in case they are unavailable
/1 Forces single pane mode
/2 Forces dual pane mode
/T Doesn't restore folder tabs on startup (by default you get all tabs reopened - as you left them at last use)
/D Force xplorer² to nag you for a registration key
/I (portable version) Initialize registry with a custom settings file. The settings file should be in the same folder as xplorer² and be created with Actions | Extract settings on your "home" PC. For ultimate version this can also be a INI file bypassing the registry
/E Run in windows explorer replacement mode
/Z Silently start and stay in the background without a window
/B Execute one of the saved macros (see Customize | Macros menu) when xplorer² starts. For instance "/B:sample macro" will launch the saved "sample macro" (assuming the name exists). This switch is useful for automating tasks using the task scheduler
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Joined: Tue Jun 04, 2013 1:42 pm

Re: Everything with Zabkat Xplorer2

Post by towlerg »

Thanks a million, that makes life just a little easier.

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